All American Assisted Living at Hillsborough

Stronger Living in Hillsborough

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Experience True Wellness—At All American Assisted Living

As a modern senior, you want and deserve a senior living community that supports your health and wellness in more ways than one.

At All American Assisted Living in Hillsborough, we custom-tailor your health and wellness goals and services to fit you.

More than assisted living – Stronger Living

As a valued resident of an All American assisted living community, you’ll gain instant access to our signature Stronger Living program. This exclusive, multifaceted program is:

  • Offered year-round
  • Disease-specific and covers 8 diagnoses
  • Completely personalized
  • Progressive and intensive
  • Supported by our health and wellness team

How Stronger Living at All American assisted living works

Educational Presentations

Educational Presentations

Full-Time Rehab Director & Exercise Physiologist

Wellness Director & Exercise Physiologist

Comprehensive Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy as Medically Justified

Comprehensive Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy as Medically Justified

Post-Acute Continuum of Care

Post-Acute Continuum of Care

Rehab Consultations

Rehab Consultations

Home Safety Assessments

Home Safety Assessments

Specialized Dementia Training for Community Staff

Specialized Dementia Training for Community Staff

Outcomes Collection and Analysis

Outcomes Collection and Analysis

How can we optimize your assisted living experience with Stronger Living?

Our results-driven team consists of a full-time wellness director, an exercise physiologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, and a speech-language therapist. Our team will help guide you through a program specifically designed for any of the following 8 diagnoses:



If you have Arthritis, our Stronger Living program can give you the tools and techniques needed to manage pain and stiffness, keep your joints healthy and prevent further injury.

If you’ve had a joint replacement, the Stronger Living program can help you restore joint mobility and increase your overall strength and balance.

For residents who have diabetes, the Stronger Living program will take you through therapeutic exercises and aerobic training to lower the health risks associated with Diabetes.

For residents that have Dementia, The Stronger Living program can help increase overall health, prevent future falls and identify strategies to maintain or increase independence.

Deconditioning occurs after long bouts of bed rest or inactivity. The Stronger Living program can help you recover after deconditioning through endurance training and strength conditioning.

After suffering from a stroke, the Stronger Living program can help with post-acute restorative care using adaptive equipment.

The Stronger Living program can help any resident with past heart issues while preventing future health risks. This is done through cardiovascular conditioning, strength and flexibility training and functional activity programs.

For residents with Parkinson’s disease, the Stronger Living program can help our residents reach their health goals through therapeutic exercises, functional activities and neuromuscular re-education.

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