All American Assisted Living at Hillsborough
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Funding Sources for Senior Living Care

funding sources for senior living care

There are too many misperceptions to count when it comes to senior living in Somerset County, but some of the most prevalent has to do with cost. Specifically, what you’ll pay for care, how the cost of senior living compares to home, and the funding sources available to help your budget. Learn the facts here.  […]

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Reasons Independence Is Important for Seniors

There often comes the point when an aging adult requires some assistance in their daily activities. This is where high-quality assisted living communities are invaluable. However, even with this type of living situation, it’s important that a senior retain as much independence as possible. Sometimes, there are opportunities to be a part of an independent […]

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How Ageism Can Negatively Affect Senior’s Health

Ageism is an often overlooked form of discrimination, and many older adults can experience this. Many treat seniors as if they’re “past their prime” or other negative stereotypes. While some older adults may need extra help, everyone deserves to be treated with integrity and respect, not reduced to a stereotype.  Ageism is not only discriminatory; […]

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When Should You Finalize Your Will?

Knowing when to finalize your will can be a difficult but incredibly important process. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to drafting and finalizing your will.  Getting Started  A will allows you to distribute property and assets to whomever you wish or to dispose of these things in the manner you choose. […]

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How to Choose a Power of Attorney

Choosing a power of attorney can be a difficult process, but it’s an important part of lifetime planning and can help to protect your assets later in life. Here’s our guide to help you choose your power of attorney.  What Is a Power of Attorney?  Assigning a power of attorney is the act of appointing […]

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