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Tips for Downsizing to Senior Living

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Tips for Downsizing to Senior Living Older couple having a garage sale

You’re ready to downsize to senior living and reap the benefits of life in a community. But you have to make the move first. From getting your current home ready to sell to sorting through your things to the move itself to what you want to bring to senior living in Somerset County, we know the logistics can seem overwhelming. But these tips for downsizing to senior living can help make it easier.

Tips for downsizing to senior living

Getting your home ready to sell

Your beloved home may be perfect for you; after all, it’s where so many family milestones and memories took place. However, it’s important to be as objective as possible and look at the house through the eyes of a potential buyer to see what updates it might need before you list it for sale.

Tip #1 – Invest wisely

Even if the house could use a complete makeover, it’s likely not necessary in order to get it sold. Nor will the investment be worth it. So spend your time and money on areas where you’ll get the most return, like the kitchen, bathrooms, and curb appeal. Not to mention, a fresh coat of paint and updated lighting can do wonders to update a space for relatively little cost. But remember to use neutral colors and fixtures to appeal to most buyers.

Tip #2 – Declutter and depersonalize

Ordinarily, you want to add personal touches and photos that make your house a home. Except when you’re trying to sell it! In this case, you want buyers to picture themselves making memories in the space rather than being distracted by yours. Not to mention, too much clutter can make the space feel smaller than it actually is.

Tip #3 – Stage your home

Staging isn’t just for home improvement shows! You want your home to be as welcoming as possible during showings. So make sure everything is clean and organized. Also, open the drapes, arrange the pillows, and turn on the lights. And yes, some realtors swear by engaging all the senses with background music and inviting scents.

Tip #4 – Do your own inspection

There’s nothing worse than being close to a sale only to have an inspection uncover a hidden issue. As such, we recommend during your own inspection before listing so there are no surprises. Then you can decide whether to proactively address them or purchase a one-year home warranty plan covering repairs and replacement during the first year to give potential buyers added peace of mind.

Download our Choosing the Right Community guide.

Downsizing your possessions for a move to senior living

As you get your house ready to sell, you’ll also want to go through your belongings. For many people, this part of the process of downsizing to senior living can be more overwhelming, both emotionally and from a logistical standpoint, than even selling the house! We recommend taking it one step at a time and following these tips.

Tip #5 – Decide on a plan

To keep things organized, you could identify categories like bedding, dishes, electronics, etc. Or, perhaps, categorize your belongings by specific rooms. Whatever you decide, set aside a place to sort your items where you can spread out like the garage.

Tip #6 – Take it slow

The quickest way to become overwhelmed is to try to do everything at once. It’s ok to take it slow and focus on one room of the house at a time. Just set a timetable for completion so you don’t procrastinate and take too long.

Tip #7 – Sort your things

As you’re going through your things, you’ll want to sort them into keep, sell, donate, recycle, or gift piles. If you’re having trouble letting go of anything, remember the rule that if you haven’t used it in six months, you don’t really need it. Of course, if an item has sentimental value, you may be more comfortable gifting it to family or friends than getting rid of it. You can also take photos of special items to save space while also preserving their memories.

Tip #8 – Have some fun

Not only is downsizing to senior living more manageable with help, but it’s also definitely more fun as it’s an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones and have some laughs reminiscing. And for items you want to gift, it’s easier if those loved ones are there to see for themselves.

Tip #9 – Decide how you’ll move
This is the perfect time to decide whether to move yourself to senior living in Somerset County or to hire professional movers. Some things to consider include the number and weight of your boxes, the size of your furniture, whether you’ll be going up or down stairs, the distance to your community, your willingness to take this on yourself (or not), and your budget.

What to bring to your new senior living home

Now the fun part; planning your new space. Communities like ours want you to feel at home, so we encourage personalizing your space and are here to help in any way we can to make downsizing to senior living as smooth as possible. Here’s what to consider.

Tip #10 – Plan your space

Ask your new community for a copy of the floor plan to plan furniture placement and how to make the space your own. They may also have links to videos, interactive floor plans, and room planners online to make it even easier. Don’t forget to check for any recommendations and/or restrictions on what you can bring so there are no surprises.

Tip #11 – Pack your necessities

There are a number of necessities you’ll need, like comforters, sheets, and bath towels, as well as personal care items and comfortable clothing, and rubber-soled shoes. Again, feel free to ask the community what they recommend.

Tip #12 – Bring your favorites

When downsizing to senior living, the best way to make your new space feel like home is to fill it with things you love. Examples include favorite photos, books, music, artwork, and mementos.

To learn more about downsizing to senior living in Somerset County, download our Choosing the Right Community guide. Or contact us today for more information or to schedule a tour.

Click here to download our Choosing The Right Senior Living Community guide

Written by kaplan

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