All American Assisted Living at Hillsborough
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Signs It’s Time to Consider Senior Living

Signs it's time to consider senior living

Most people assume that it’s only time to consider senior living once you can no longer live independently at home. However, that’s not necessarily true. Yes, there are types of senior living that provide daily support and care, such as assisted living or memory care. There’s also another type of senior living known as independent […]

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Home Safety Issues Seniors and Their Loved Ones Should Know

Home Safety Issues

Home safety should be a concern at any age, particularly for seniors. In fact, injuries from falls, home fires, and medication errors are much more common among those 65 and older for reasons that may include weaker muscles, more brittle bones, slower reaction times, impaired vision and balance, or perhaps even diminished cognitive abilities. There […]

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What to Know About Assisted Living

what to know about assisted living

Many people use the terms ‘assisted living’ and ‘senior living’ interchangeably. While it’s true that assisted living is a type of senior living, they are not one and the same. There are actually two other types of senior living: independent living and memory care. In fact, each of these three types of senior living caters […]

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